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5,808 People - Human Pose Recognition Data_5,808 People - Human Pose Recognition Data

5,808 People - Human Pose Recognition Data

  • Licensed Off-the-shelf Datasets to Boost AI Projects Development.

5,808 People - Human Pose Recognition Data. This dataset includes indoor and outdoor scenes.This dataset covers males and females. Age distribution ranges from teenager to the elderly, the middle-aged and young people are the majorities. The data diversity includes different shooting heights, different ages, different light conditions, different collecting environment, clothes in different seasons, multiple human poses. For each subject, the labels of gender, race, age, collecting environment and clothes were annotated. The data can be used for human pose recognition and other tasks.

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Data size
5,808 people
Race distribution
Gender distribution
3,054 males, 2,754 females
Age distribution
ranging from teenager to the elderly, the middle-aged and young people are the majorities
Collecting environment
including indoor and outdoor scenes
Data diversity
different shooting heights, different ages, different light conditions, different collecting environment, clothes in different seasons, multiple human poses
surveillance cameras with resolution of 1,920*1,080
Data format
based on the accuracy of the poses, the accuracy exceeds 97%;the accuracy of labels of gender, race, age, collecting environment and clothes are more than 97%

  • Waiting For Data

The explicitly authorized and high-quality training dataset of the acquiree helps you start your AI project quickly

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5,808 People - Human Pose Recognition Data






5,808 People - Human Pose Recognition Data