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Types of Behavior Recognition Data

Datatang supports multi-sensor such as RGB cameras, infrared cameras, depth cameras, and multi-scene human behavior data collection, and provides data labeling services such as facial expressions, facial keypoints, human attributes, human actions, human keypoints and etc.

Get Behavior Recognition Data Solution

Behavior Recognition Data Annotation Capability

Our platform supports various type behavior data labeling and has built-in human-computer interaction semi-automatic labeling and quality inspection functions, increasing labeling efficency by over 30% per annotator.

Try Our Data Annotation Platform
Behavior Recognition Data Annotation Capability
Behavior Recognition Data Quality and Security Management
  • Efficiency

    Support human-machine interaction labeling, save time and costs

  • Quality Inspection

    Multi-level quality inspections

  • ISO9001 Certification

    Obtained the ISO9001 quality
    management certification

  • Compliance

    All the data are consent
    with proper authorization

  • Secure Implementation

    Execute NDA and erase data after delivery

  • Security

    Obtained ISO27701 and ISO27001 certification

Datatang also provides off-the-shelf datasets for rapid AI model optimization.
Get Training Datasets Catalog